The spirit of inquiry, though uncomfortable for many in the Body of Christ, is a necessary agency that works to hinder the advancement of doctrinal distortions, false teachings, and the temptation by some in the Pentecostal community to become top-heavy in extra-biblical beliefs surrounding the operation of the Spirit of God. 

Unfortunately, due to the motives of many bad actors whose inquiry efforts flow out of unhealing wounds of bitterness or pettiness, the spirit of inquiry has been pushed into the corner of marginalization. Anyone who seeks to engage in an honest conversation that pushes back at “edgy” teachings or practices is faced with the equivalency of the “race card” in that they are labeled as not supporting the unity of the Body. Unless the Pentecostal community allows for an authentic agency of inquiry, we will become further fragmented rather than united due to the defensive circling that develops with erroneous teachings and practices. 

AlphaTav will endeavor, hopefully without hubris, to engage in a robust spirit of inquiry regarding a myriad of topics ranging from the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit, Spiritual Authority, Eschatological beliefs, the Ministry, and a wide array of other topics. This inquiry will be done strictly by examining biblical texts while also seeking insight through the feedback of others who wish to provide theological input that the Word of God robustly supports. 

Recognizing the eschatological “great falling away” and the biblical prophecies that indicate the rise of false doctrine, false teaching, and the failure of the last day generation to “endure sound doctrine,” it behooves us to strengthen and “hold fast the form of sound words.” 

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