Leave the Office, get to the Altar

Leave the Office, get to the Altar

The year was 2017 and Pastor Mark Brown stood before 37,000 Pentecostals at the North American Youth Conference in Indianapolis, IN. The crowd he spoke to represented a varied gathering of Pentecostals from across the broad landscape of Pentecostal flavor. In...
The “Voice of God walking in the Garden”

The “Voice of God walking in the Garden”

In a postlapsarian world, it is difficult to imagine life in the Garden. First, much of what we hear on life in the Garden is laden with misinformation and/or oral tradition within hermeneutic communities. Take, for example, the commonly held idea that Adam daily...
Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts (Academic Trojan Horses)

Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts (Academic Trojan Horses)

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts (Virgil & Fitzgerald, p35, line 70). This phrase, loosely translated from a line in Virgil’s retelling of the legend of the Trojan War (Aeneid ,Book 2), is not altogether different from the words of Sophocles’ famed hero Ajax who,...
The Psychology of the Artificial Face (Image War Series)

The Psychology of the Artificial Face (Image War Series)

Since publishing the first article (here), I have had the privilege of appearing as a guest on the Apostolic Voice podcast hosted by Pastor Ryan French. In the podcast, we navigated–among many other things–the premises outlined from the first article....
The Rise of the Artificial Face (Image War Series)

The Rise of the Artificial Face (Image War Series)

The first charge that critics of this treatise will articulate is the “majoring on the minors” premise that is also cast alongside the missional urgency of the Church to reach and reconcile the lost to Jesus Christ. In response, I merely point toward the writings of...
Decayed Offerings on Pentecostal Altars

Decayed Offerings on Pentecostal Altars

The year 2020 is still a difficult year to objectively analyze, in part, due to the multifaceted issues we faced as a nation. “I can’t breath,” election angst and disputes, politics on steroids, a global pandemic, riots in the streets, Chaz...
The Real Reason Caleb Wanted the Mountain

The Real Reason Caleb Wanted the Mountain

“Give me my mountain!” How many times have we heard this phrase preached? How many times have we centered on the vigorous desire of an aged Caleb who–after 40 years wandering in the wilderness–confronted Joshua regarding Moses’ promise...
Called to Share: Stewardship in the Christian Life

Called to Share: Stewardship in the Christian Life

Let’s face it. Stewardship is most often associated with wealth and the responsibility of the individual to distribute wealth based on a tithe and offering paradigm. I introduce stewardship this way–not because I disagree with the biblical paradigm of...
The Forensics of False Doctrine:Exposing Motive

The Forensics of False Doctrine:Exposing Motive

For most individuals, the idea of forensics is a fascinating field of criminal science that is dominated by genetic whistleblowers and the uncanny witness of footprints, fibers, and fingerprints. Emerging from the crude and superstitious means by which early criminal...
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