An Elevated Pulpit: Redeeming Truth from the Cult of Self

An Elevated Pulpit: Redeeming Truth from the Cult of Self

In a 2019 Symposium presentation on Biblical Illiteracy in a Post-Christian World, I remember feeling a slight buildup of anxiousness as I moved toward the Question and Answer segment of the presentation. The reason for this anxiousness was due to the awareness that I...
Responding to Biblical Illiteracy in a Post-Christian World

Responding to Biblical Illiteracy in a Post-Christian World

When America was founded, the language of the newly established constitutional republic spoke volumes of the foundational tenets that undergird its revolutionary development. The societal moorings of such a fledgling nation owed much credit to the homage and...
Norming the Abnormal by Aaron T. Friesen

Norming the Abnormal by Aaron T. Friesen

The doctrine of initial evidence, a dogma oft associated with the early theological approaches to Spirit Baptism by Charles Parham, is a doctrine that has historically met with a diverse range of reactions and concerns (positive and negative) over the past century....
Pentecostal Aspects of Early 16th-Century Anabaptism

Pentecostal Aspects of Early 16th-Century Anabaptism

Tucked away in the 16th century lies a seldom-discussed phenomenon that worked its way through—and out from—the reforms of Luther and Zwingli. In his academic work, Pentecostal Aspects of Early Sixteenth-Century Anabaptism, Charles Hannon Byrd II undertakes the...
Asbury Revival: A Follow-Up and Other Insights

Asbury Revival: A Follow-Up and Other Insights

It is evident from the engagement with my last article that I was met with a healthy dose of agreement and disagreement. That aside, I find that It is important to express to my readers that the articles I publish are not sent into the digital atmosphere as a means to...
Asbury Revival: A Cautionary Stance for the Church

Asbury Revival: A Cautionary Stance for the Church

If you are on social media, then you will remember the first few posts celebrating what is being called a 21st-century Great Awakening at Asbury College, a Methodist University in Kentucky. According to many Pentecostal brothers and sisters, this is the “last day...
The Danger of Celebrity Culture in the Church

The Danger of Celebrity Culture in the Church

The fanfare that accompanies the secular Gala’s and the high-societal affairs of the rich and famous are both humorous and pitiful to observe. Actors, actresses, and musicians line the red carpets as they are fawned over by an elite press and, beyond the ropes...
Loud Church: Do I Really need to Lift my Voice?

Loud Church: Do I Really need to Lift my Voice?

What’s with all this noise? Why is the preacher asking us to lift our voice? These are some common responses that many unfamiliar with Pentecostal churches have had when attending a service. These are fair questions when asked with the right attitude. Why do we...
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