Tricky. This is the word for navigating the complex situation of marriages that involve a believing woman married to an unbelieving husband. Whilst it can be the other way around, the most common scenario I have seen and experienced where problems arise involves this...
She saunters with seductive purpose in her stride. Lips pouting, eyes sparkling. She glides toward me. She is beautiful. Breathlessly, I stand unsure of what to do. My heart races, sweat begins to bead along my forehead. The breeze rustles my hair, bringing the...
Growing up, I remember being one of the only kids in the neighborhood without a television. “What in the world do you do,” was the common question my friends asked me. Well, I played in the woods for hours, built forts, played basketball, rode bikes, and...
When a snake slithers out from the nondescript foliage in the woods, your entire body responds to the sudden fear of the snake. This fight-or-flight response is an Amygdala Hijack*. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase, causing you to breathe more quickly,...
In a book I read recently, the prism was turned, which allowed me to understand the plight of church attendance in a whole different light. This book, bringing me through the ’50s and into the ’60s and ’70s, captured a phenomenon that began to occur...
Perhaps you have sometimes struggled to pray and wondered: “Does my prayer work?” Well, something from a story found in II Samuel and a figure named Hushai has caused me to push through those thoughts and engage in a daily habit of prayer. It is very...