Responding to Biblical Illiteracy in a Post-Christian World

Responding to Biblical Illiteracy in a Post-Christian World

When America was founded, the language of the newly established constitutional republic spoke volumes of the foundational tenets that undergird its revolutionary development. The societal moorings of such a fledgling nation owed much credit to the homage and...
Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts (Academic Trojan Horses)

Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts (Academic Trojan Horses)

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts (Virgil & Fitzgerald, p35, line 70). This phrase, loosely translated from a line in Virgil’s retelling of the legend of the Trojan War (Aeneid ,Book 2), is not altogether different from the words of Sophocles’ famed hero Ajax who,...
The Forensics of False Doctrine:Exposing Motive

The Forensics of False Doctrine:Exposing Motive

For most individuals, the idea of forensics is a fascinating field of criminal science that is dominated by genetic whistleblowers and the uncanny witness of footprints, fibers, and fingerprints. Emerging from the crude and superstitious means by which early criminal...
Therapeutic Intervention in Pentecostal Community

Therapeutic Intervention in Pentecostal Community

Somewhere between pneumatology and phenomenology lies an obvious void for the Pentecostal therapist or counselor. At the heart of this void are antiquated misunderstandings, problematic predispositions, and the enduring failures of an overreaching involvement of...
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