Welcome to AlphaTav

We are your premier source for cutting-edge resources that are designed to promote and foster an environment of growth and theological awareness and education within the Apostolic Pentecostal community. AlphaTav, a play on both Hebrew and Greek letters (Alpha being the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Tav being the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet), is founded on a vision that hopes to bring dynamic subject-matter to the layperson and the academic alike. 


Deaf at the Door (Every Christian Should Read!)

Imagine that someone has been knocking on your door for several days. They have been relentlessly calling out your name, but you never get up to answer the call or knock at the door. Over and over again, the person at the door continues to knock and call out your...

God at the Grammys?

The post critiques the hypocrisy of celebrity culture, particularly at events like the Grammys, where vulgar artists praise God despite their immoral lifestyles. It highlights the disconnect between their actions and Christianity’s teachings. Ultimately, it calls for genuine repentance and a commitment to living a holy life in accordance with biblical principles.

Convicted but not Equipped

The article reflects on attending two impactful sermons regarding prayer in the Apostolic movement. The first sermon emphasized the need for prayer without providing practical guidance. In contrast, the second offered actionable instructions. EQUIP, don’t just CONVICT.

The Revelation of Expectation

Hannah and Simeon exemplify devoutness, waiting for the Messiah’s arrival with genuine expectation. Unlike others, their faith allows for divine surprises. They recognized Christ in the humble guise of an infant, demonstrating the importance of being open to unexpected answers in prayer while remaining attentive to God’s unpredictable ways.

Spiritual Authority Series #3: A Deeper Look into Watchman Nee’s Spiritual Authority.

As mentioned in our previous article, I believe Watchman Nee’s work on Spiritual Authority has played a pivotal role in specific contexts of the Pentecostal community regarding spiritual authority. Depending on one’s community and contextual background, the...

Spiritual Authority Series #2: The Role of Watchman Nee

In specific contexts of the Pentecostal community, discussing a theology of Spiritual Authority is only possible by bringing the work of Watchman Nee on Spiritual Authority into the mix. Little is known about Watchman Nee and the rapid development of his Christian...

Spiritual Authority Series #1: Anecdotes and Authority

Suppose you are on the frontline of pastoral ministry. In that case, I’m sure you have either become the target of or have seen the various deconstructed attacks on principles of spiritual authority. Many of these attacks can seem to cherry-pick what is often...

When the Wrong Spirit Uses the Right Scripture

Let's start with a scenario. Imagine an individual attending a church. In one service, someone in leadership said something neither wise nor appropriate to this individual. This individual was hurt, and rightfully so, and they left the service seething. All they could...

Church Attendance: Does it Matter?

Does church attendance matter? Let’s take a quick look.

What is a Pastoral Preference?

We hear the words often, sometimes in the favorable and others in the negative: pastoral preference. Are they right? Can a local pastor have them? Can a local pastor expect them to be respected and honored? These are great questions that I believe merit a balanced...

Hello, and thank you for visiting AlphaTav.net! I am your host, writer, and connector to engaging content and materials. I am the father of three boys, married to my beautiful bride, Amber, and I pastor an incredible church in Portland, OR. Not that it matters too much, but I hold an A.A. in Specialized Business Administration, a B.A. in Christian Ministry and Leadership, and an M.A. in Addiction Counseling that is coupled with licensure in Oregon (CADC-I). I am a student of the Word of God, an old soul from birth, and an avid reader of classics, philosophy, theology, and almost everything else. Please drop a note if you would like and tell us what you think or subjects or materials you would love to see covered.


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