Welcome to AlphaTav

We are your premier source for cutting-edge resources that are designed to promote and foster an environment of growth and theological awareness and education within the Apostolic Pentecostal community. AlphaTav, a play on both Hebrew and Greek letters (Alpha being the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Tav being the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet), is founded on a vision that hopes to bring dynamic subject-matter to the layperson and the academic alike. 


Church Attendance: Does it Matter?

Does church attendance matter? Let’s take a quick look.

What is a Pastoral Preference?

We hear the words often, sometimes in the favorable and others in the negative: pastoral preference. Are they right? Can a local pastor have them? Can a local pastor expect them to be respected and honored? These are great questions that I believe merit a balanced...

A Forensic of Rebellion: David’s Complicity in Absolom’s Conspiracy

How often is Absolom’s example utilized in many church communities to describe rebellious coups against pastoral leadership? Often, but do you think the comparison is worthy? I believe it can be if one allows the totality of the story to speak of the entire context of Absolom’s rebellion. What if we, taking a forensic look at the uprising of Absolom, were to find David complicit in the events?

Biblical Apostasy: A Backsliding that Puts God to Shame

What are these individuals doing as they disown every feature and benefit of their having once been enlightened? They are crucifying the Son of God and putting Him to open shame. Having disowned practically every benefit of God’s grace and the gift of that grace- the power and holiness of the Holy Ghost- they bring Christ back to the cross, denying His completed work while claiming to be partakers of His completed work. Denying their resurrection, they deny His resurrection. Denying their burial in baptism, they deny his burial. Christ now bleeds again on a cross while they openly parade the image of an empty cross.

The Fallacy of Composition, the Church, and Dealing with Deconstructionists

Bad apples exist, but that doesn't mean we must set fire to the entire apple orchard. Unfortunately, this is precisely what many attempt to do regarding the church community. They highlight extreme examples of narcissism or hand-select leadership or ministries who...

Rooted Bible Study Released

How excited are we to have the release of Rooted: The Bible Study Available for purchase? Pretty excited! The feedback from those receiving these is incredible already! We don't have many left so head over to the shop and grab one. 108 exciting illustrated pages that...

Is a Believing Wife to Submit to an Unbelieving Husband?

Tricky. This is the word for navigating the complex situation of marriages that involve a believing woman married to an unbelieving husband. Whilst it can be the other way around, the most common scenario I have seen and experienced where problems arise involves this...

She Watches from the Window (A Short Story)

She saunters with seductive purpose in her stride. Lips pouting, eyes sparkling. She glides toward me. She is beautiful.  Breathlessly, I stand unsure of what to do. My heart races, sweat begins to bead along my forehead. The breeze rustles my hair, bringing the...

Talking Television: Accepting What isn’t Good because other things are Worse?

Growing up, I remember being one of the only kids in the neighborhood without a television. "What in the world do you do," was the common question my friends asked me. Well, I played in the woods for hours, built forts, played basketball, rode bikes, and when home, I...

Echoes in Koinonia: The Danger of an ‘Amen’ Corner

When a snake slithers out from the nondescript foliage in the woods, your entire body responds to the sudden fear of the snake. This fight-or-flight response is an Amygdala Hijack*. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase, causing you to breathe more quickly,...

Hello, and thank you for visiting AlphaTav.net! I am your host, writer, and connector to engaging content and materials. I am the father of three boys, married to my beautiful bride, Amber, and I pastor an incredible church in Portland, OR. Not that it matters too much, but I hold an A.A. in Specialized Business Administration, a B.A. in Christian Ministry and Leadership, and an M.A. in Addiction Counseling that is coupled with licensure in Oregon (CADC-I). I am a student of the Word of God, an old soul from birth, and an avid reader of classics, philosophy, theology, and almost everything else. Please drop a note if you would like and tell us what you think or subjects or materials you would love to see covered.


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